Jun 2015 - Aug 2015
In this message series, we'll explore what the Bible has to say about the spiritual warfare that every believer is involved in. Who is our enemy? How can we defend ourselves against him? How can we take the offensive in our warfare? In this practical series, you'll learn much that you can apply to your life and family.
Apr 2015 - Jun 2015
The series God's Power Continues begins with the resurrection of Jesus and continues through the first ten chapters of the book of Acts. The power of the Holy Spirit is the constant, from Jesus' birth, through His ministry, resurrection and continued ministry through His disciples in the early church. God's power continues to function in the church until the end of the age, when Jesus returns again.
Feb 2015 - Mar 2015
This message series will examine what the Bible teaches about being a bondservant of Jesus Christ. Every believer is a disciple and bondservant, yet many do not understand what this means. This series will help you learn about and submit to the Lordship of Jesus.
Dec 2014 - Jan 2015
How should our understanding of the imminent return of Jesus Christ affect our lives here and now? In this message series, we take a look at the practical applications of our prophetic understanding of the end times.
Oct 2014 - Dec 2014
This series by Dr. Dan Walker will take a detailed, yet practical view of the end times from a biblical perspective. We are living in a time where it is vitally important that believers understand what is going on and how they should make an impact for God. Don't miss this informative and encouraging series.
Aug 2014 - Oct 2014
How can we know and follow God's will for our lives? Can we really hear God's voice and receive His direction for our decisions? This message series will explore what the Bible teaches about finding God's direction for your life. When you find and walk in God's will, you will discover the best life you can live.
Jun 2014 - Aug 2014
In this series, we are exploring what God's Word has to say about our priorties in life. Four priorities are identified that will bring God's blessing into your life if followed with God's help. Learn how to put God's priorities first in your life and achieve everything that God created you for.
Mar 2014 - Jun 2014
God created you to change your world, to work with Him in bringing heaven to earth. In this series, we look at the motivations for reaching out to the lost, as well as practical methods to make a difference in your world. God's purpose for your life is for you to be influential for Him, to let your light push back the darkness.
Jan 2014 - Mar 2014
The reason that many people struggle with prayer is that their prayers are ineffective and rarely answered. In this series, we examine the teaching of God's Word on the topic of prayer to learn how to truly pray in Jesus' name. As you learn to pray prayers in God's will, your prayers will increasingly be answered and prayer will become one of the most exciting aspects of life. Jesus is presently interceding in heaven for believers and as we join our prayers with His, great things will happen.
Dec 2013
In this Christmas message series from Life Church St. Louis, Pastor Dan Walker looks at some of the unique claims that Jesus Christ made in His teaching. This series looks in detail at Jesus' I am statements and how they can impact our lives today. Learn about how Jesus can make a difference in your life as you put your faith in Him and His Words.