Latest sermons by
Jul 14, 2013
Passage: Joshua 1:1-9
Duration: 33 mins 29 secs
God's Word gives the strength and courage you need to carry out God's purpose for your life. In this message, we learn the principles of living a successful and prosperous life, from God's direction to the leader Joshua. The importance of God's Word to provide encouragement and guidance are key.
Jul 07, 2013
Passage: Psalms 119:97-108
Duration: 36 mins 36 secs
God's Word has been given to us by God to provide guidance for our lives. In this message, Dr. Dan Walker, discusses why the Bible is essential to keeping our lives on track with God's plan. Learn how to use God's Word to inform and guide your decisions.
Jun 30, 2013
Passage: Matthew 13:1-23
Duration: 37 mins 34 secs
The Bible teaches that obedience to God's Word brings blessings, while disobedience brings curses. In this message, Dr. Dan Walker opens up the Jesus' parable of the sower to help you apply God's Word to your life. Learn the secrets of the kingdom that will help you both receive and sow the seed of the Word.
Jun 23, 2013
Passage: John 1:1-18
Duration: 31 mins 1 sec
In this message, Pastor Dan explores the relationship between Jesus and God's Word. Jesus is the Word, the exact representation of the invisible God. The whole of Scripture is focused on Jesus Christ. The more you love Jesus, the more you will love God's Word. Learn how to grow in your love for and understanding of God's Word through this message.
Jun 16, 2013
Passage: Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Duration: 33 mins 7 secs
In this message, Pastor Dan Walker, teaches how success as a father comes through God's Word. In this first message in the series "The Book of Life", the priority of the Bible as a guide for life is explained. Learn how the Bible can teach you about God and His plan for your life in this intriguing message.
Jun 09, 2013
Passage: Matthew 9:35-10:8
Duration: 31 mins 29 secs
Jesus' ministry involved two major activities, teaching God's truth and demonstrating God's power, primarily through healing. In this message, we look at how believers and the church today can follow Jesus' approach to ministry and outreach.
Jun 02, 2013
Passage: Mark 5:1-17
Duration: 31 mins 54 secs
Jesus' healing ministry teaches us many important principles. In this message, Pastor Dan looks at the relationship between demons and sickness. The Bible teaches that sometimes demons are involved in sickness and sometimes they are not. As we learn to recognize the characteristics of demonic involvement, we are better able to pray for healing and deliverance.
May 26, 2013
Passage: Matthew 8:5-17
Duration: 31 mins 18 secs
What is the role of faith in healing? What does Jesus have to say about the faith of the people He healed? In this message, we look at what the Bible has to say about faith and healing. This biblical teaching presents a balanced view of a controversial topic and will cause your faith to grow.
May 19, 2013
Passage: Matthew 8:1-4 & Matthew 4:23-25
Duration: 37 mins 6 secs
The ministry of Jesus consisted of two main activities, teaching and healing. In this message, we explore how the church and today's believers should follow Jesus in these ministries. Specifically, Pastor Dan Walker addresses the question of whether healing is God's will today.
May 05, 2013
Passage: Luke 19:29-48
Duration: 30 mins 45 secs
When Jesus entered into Jerusalem, different groups of people reacted very differently to Him. In this message, Dr. Dan Walker shows the path to hope in your life, by responding to Jesus' presence in your life.
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