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Feb 12, 2012
Passage: Topical
Duration: 27 mins 50 secs

The Bible's definition of love is a lot different than our society's definition. God's Word teaches us that love is a choice, rather than just a feeling. God has shown us what true love is all about and He has promsed to empower believers with His love. In this message, we learn how to build stronger families with love.

Feb 05, 2012
Passage: Matthew 5:11-16
Series: Vision 2012
Duration: 35 mins 45 secs

God has called His church to be salt and light in the world. We are not to hide away and keep our beliefs to ourselves. Rather, like Jesus, we are to engage our culture and people with the truth of God's love. In this message, we examine Jesus' teaching on being a courageous influence.

Jan 22, 2012
Passage: Romans 12:4-8
Series: Vision 2012
Duration: 31 mins 47 secs

The Bible teaches that Jesus looked on the needs of those around him with compassion and met those needs. In this message, we look at what God's Word has to say about meeting the needs of others in the church family. As we meet the needs of others, God will meet our needs.

Jan 01, 2012
Passage: Topical
Series: Vision 2012
Duration: 42 mins 40 secs
God has a vision for your life and our church in 2012. An important part of that vision is your relationship with God. Prayer is a gift from God that enables you and our church to partner with God to bring out His vision in the world. Learn how your prayers can be joined with others to produce powerful results.
Dec 25, 2011
Passage: Mark 4:35-41
Duration: 33 mins 3 secs

This Christmas, learn how Jesus came to bring peace into your life and family. In a world of conflict and chaos, not only can Jesus bring peace, but Jesus can teach us how to trust Him to be peacemakers.

Dec 18, 2011
Passage: Topical
Duration: 36 mins 14 secs

In this message, we look at how Jesus came to this earth as King of Kings. Jesus' teaching on the Kingdom of God is explored to understand the practical implications of Jesus' reign on our lives.

Dec 11, 2011
Passage: John 10:1-15
Duration: 35 mins 19 secs

When Jesus came into this world, he came to be Immanuel, which means "God with us." In this message we look at what Jesus taught about his presence in our lives as the good shepherd. Learn how Jesus' presence can transform your life into an exciting adventure with God.

Dec 04, 2011
Passage: Mark 5:24-34
Duration: 37 mins 18 secs

In this message, we look at the incredible power of Jesus to bring about healing and forgivness in our lives. We examine the faith journey of a frail woman with an incurable disease who receives a miracle from Jesus. What were the keys to unlocking Jesus' power in her life? Listen to the message to discover more about Jesus - The Power of God.

Nov 27, 2011
Passage: Psalms 118:24
Duration: 38 mins 19 secs

In this message, we look at a simple verse that is the basis for a biblical joy strategy. The principles in this verse, when believed and applied to your life, can help you overcome the blues. God has designed believers to live a life of thanksgiving and joy. You can grow in joy as you apply the joy strategy.

Nov 20, 2011
Passage: Luke 7:36-50
Duration: 33 mins 36 secs

The Bible teaches that thankfulness, rather than complaining, is God's will for everyone. In this message, we look at a story of a prostitute forgiven by Jesus. Her thankful heart serves as an example for us. Thankfulness is a doorway into joy and a key to overcoming the blues no matter what your circumstances are.

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