Aug 23, 2020
Passage: James 4:1-17
Duration: 21 mins 53 secs
The devil is a real spiritual being, not simply a symbol of evil as most people think. The Bible teaches us that he is the deceiver of the whole world. Learn how you can avoid being deceived by resisting the devil with the power of God. A very important message for the season that America is presently in.
Aug 16, 2020
Passage: James 3:1-18
Duration: 33 mins 44 secs
In this message from the book of James, we learn of the incredible power of our words, both for good or for evil. Discover the secret to taming your tongue so that it brings peace and healing to others. With God's help, we can speak the truth in love in all areas of our lives.
Aug 09, 2020
Passage: James 2:1-26
Duration: 29 mins 10 secs
In this message from James 2, we learn how true faith avoids discrimination or racism of any kind. When you learn to unconditionally love others as yourself, you will treat others as God does. True faith always expresses itself in actions of obedience to God.
Aug 02, 2020
Passage: James 1:1-27
Duration: 27 mins 37 secs
In our new message series Life Lessons, we learn how to deal with trials that we face in life. We are facing unprecedented trials in America in the season we are now living in. Discover how to replace anxiety and fear with joy and peace as we follow God's wisdom in the message Dealing with Trials.
Jul 26, 2020
Passage: Psalms 2:1-12 & Psalms 22:1-28
Duration: 24 mins 27 secs
In this message, we look at prophetic Messianic psalms about Jesus. They speak of Jesus as the Anointed One, the coming Messiah. There are detailed descriptions of the crucifixion of Jesus, written thousands of years before it happened. We also see the Jesus the Messiah depicted as ruling the nations after His second coming. There psalms will encourage you in your confidence in God's Word and in God's sovereign control over history.
Jul 19, 2020
Passage: Psalms 35:1-10 & Psalms 109:1-27
Duration: 26 mins 2 secs
There is a lot of talk about justice these days. Who determines what justice is? Justice is determined by God and His Word. The Lord is the judge of the entire earth and everything He does is just.
In this message we learn how to pray and appeal to God for justice. We pray for justice for ourselves, for others who are suffering injustice and for our nation. Learn how to pray forgotten psalms that will destroy the kingdom of darkness and injustice and expand the kingdom of God with His justice.
Jul 12, 2020
Passage: Psalms 121:1-8 & Psalms 122:1-9
Duration: 25 mins 1 sec
In this message, we study three psalms of ascent to learn how to prepare for worship. Worship is entering into the presence of the creator of the universe. God created us to worship. As we make worship a priority in our lives, the blessings of the Lord increase. Learn about the Lord's protection, anticipating worship with joy and finding hope in the Lord through forgiveness. Don't miss this encouraging and life-changing word from the Lord.
Jul 05, 2020
Passage: Psalms 81:8-16 & Psalms 89:1-16
Duration: 27 mins 28 secs
In important aspect of prayer is committing yourself to God. In this message, we look at three psalms to encourage our commitment. We must commit to serve God only, to celebrate God's faithfulness and teach truth to the next generation. Learn how these commitments can enhance God's blessing on your life.
Jun 28, 2020
Passage: Psalms 33:1-18 & Psalms 66:1-20
Duration: 27 mins 5 secs
Praising God is to celebrate or boast about God's characters and actions. In this message from the book of Psalms, we learn more about how to praise God and the benefits of praising Him. We praise the Lord for His sovereignty, for answered prayer and for all His works. Focusing on praising God rather than grumbling releases the joy of the Lord into our lives.
Jun 21, 2020
Passage: Psalms 1:1-6 & Psalms 36:1-11
Duration: 26 mins 11 secs
In this special Father's Day message, we learn how to seek God's wisdom from the book of Psalms. Fathers need to choose righteousness for themselves and their families. As you learn to walk in God's way you will avoid sinful living. Finally, God will empower you to establish a God-centered home. Godly fathers leading God-centered homes is the key to turning our nation back to God.