Pastor Dan Walker

Pastor Dan Walker

Role: Lead Pastor
Latest sermons by
Oct 07, 2018
Passage: Luke 7:36-50
Series: New Life
Duration: 29 mins 55 secs
In this message, we are are introduced to two people who encounter Jesus, a Pharisee and a sinful woman. The sinful woman responds to Jesus' forgiveness with an extravagant display of love. The Pharisee is caught up in prideful arrogance toward the woman and Jesus. Be challenged to live a life of extravagant love for Jesus.
Sep 30, 2018
Passage: John 7:53-8:11
Series: New Life
Duration: 25 mins 25 secs
In this message, we examine Jesus' encounter with a woman caught in the act of adultery. Rather than joining in the call for judgment of the Pharisees, Jesus extended grace and forgiveness to the woman. Learn how to follow Jesus' example in your own interactions with people.
Sep 23, 2018
Passage: John 3:1-21
Series: New Life
Duration: 33 mins 34 secs
Jesus engages a truth seeker named Nicodemus with the concept of being born again. He exposes the radical nature of the Kingdom of God and how it can be entered. A profound message for those seeking truth and those presenting truth.
Sep 16, 2018
Passage: John 4:1-35
Series: New Life
Duration: 40 mins 55 secs
Amazing conversation of Jesus with a woman of ill repute. He offers her a new life, a life that will satisfy her God-given thirst for relationship. Discover the living water of the Spirit, that Jesus offers to every person. Answer the all-important question of who Jesus really is.
Sep 09, 2018
Passage: Genesis 22:1-18
Duration: 28 mins 36 secs
In this incredible story, Abraham faces the ultimate test of his faith. God directs Abraham to offer up his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering. Abraham has such great faith in God that he believed God would raise Isaac from the dead. Learn what happens and how it can strengthen your faith.
Sep 02, 2018
Passage: Genesis 21:1-18
Duration: 29 mins 15 secs
After waiting 25 years, Abraham and Sarah's promised son is born. You also can receive God's promises, through faith and patience. God cares about you and has a wonderful plan for your life that can only happen through His promises.
Aug 26, 2018
Passage: Genesis 19:1-29
Duration: 35 mins 49 secs
The depravity of Sodom is uncovered by Lot's two angelic guests. The judgement of Sodom by God is a warning of the wrath of God at the final judgement. Yet, we also see God's mercy as Abraham's prayer resulted in the saving of Lot and his family. Learn how we should react to the sin of our culture in this challenging message.
Aug 12, 2018
Passage: Genesis 18:1-33
Duration: 29 mins 1 sec
God wants to be your friend. In this message, we learn from the example of Abraham, how God interacts with His friends. We discover that God desires to share secrets with His friends. We must learn to talk to God, as we talk to a friend. Abraham's intercession for Sodom is a model for our prayers for others in need.
Aug 05, 2018
Passage: Genesis 17:1-27
Duration: 30 mins 36 secs
Learn how God progressively reveals His plans to us. God progressively revealed His covenant plans for Abraham and Sarah. God progressively has revealed His truth to us in the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation. Discover how to understand and follow God's wonderful plan for your life.
Jul 29, 2018
Passage: Genesis 16:1-16
Duration: 26 mins 33 secs
Growing impatient with God's promise of children, Abram and Sarai decide to go it alone. Sarai tempts Abram with her servant Hagar, who becomes pregnant with Ishmael. The results of their foolish plan bring chaos to their home, as well as trouble to our world today. Learn about the violent roots of Islam coming from Ishmael, the son of the flesh. Discover how you can follow God's plans for your life and not your own plans.
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