Feb 13, 2011
Passage: Exodus 20:3
Duration: 34 mins 49 secs
In the first commandment, God stresses the importance of putting Him first in all of our life. Learn how to have no other gods before the true God for your family in this important message.
Feb 06, 2011
Passage: Luke 18:1-8
Duration: 34 mins 10 secs
Unfortunately, many people do not receive answers to their prayers because they do not practice the principles that Jesus taught for breakthrough prayer. In this message, we look at the parable of the persistent widow to understand how to experience breakthrough prayer in our own lives. The story of how Life Church's 21 days of prayer and fasting in the fall of 2010 led to the breakthrough in finding a permanent location for the church is also explained.
Jan 30, 2011
Passage: 1 Samuel 3:1-11
Duration: 34 mins 2 secs
In this message, we look at the principles for positioning yourself to hear God's direction. The story of the boy Samuel first hearing from God provides the biblical basis for these principles. Interwoven with the story of Samuel is the way that God has led Life Church to it's permanent church home.
Jan 16, 2011
Passage: Genesis 12:1-15:6
Duration: 32 mins 17 secs
In this message, we look at the story of God giving Abram a vision of his life's goals and destiny. From this example, we draw biblical principles that will help you see God's goals for your life in the New Year.
Jan 09, 2011
Passage: Genesis 2:15-3:17
Duration: 39 mins 28 secs
What we see with our physical eyes is not all there is. The Bible teaches us that there is an unseen spiritual world where a conflict between God and Satan rages. This unseen battle affects our lives and we need to understand it in order to achieve the goals that God has set for us this year.
Jan 02, 2011
Passage: Matthew 2:1-11
Duration: 39 mins 56 secs
Jesus came to give those who believe in Him, hope for the future. As we look ahead to the New Year, our hope is based, not on New Year resolutions, but in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus has goals for you to achieve this year in His strength. As you seek God's kingdom first this year, your life will be filled with hope.
Nov 14, 2010
Passage: Matthew 7:13-27
Duration: 30 mins 2 secs
In this message, which concludes our series on the Sermon on the Mount, we look at Jesus' teaching on choices. Jesus speaks of two roads, two trees, two outcomes of life and two houses. Learn how to make the right choices in life and help others make them as well.
Nov 07, 2010
Passage: Matthew 7:1-12
Duration: 31 mins 33 secs
In this passage of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talks about the consequences of judging. Rather than judging our neighbor, we are to do unto others as we would have them do to us. Learn from Jesus in this challenging message for disciples of Jesus.
Oct 31, 2010
Passage: Matthew 6:19-34
Duration: 31 mins 3 secs
In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches about why His disciples should not worry. Rather than focus on possible future trouble, Jesus' followers are to focus on expanding His kingdom and righteousness today.
Oct 24, 2010
Passage: Matthew 6:1-18
Duration: 27 mins 19 secs
Jesus' teaching in the Sermon on the Mount has a lot to do with motives or heart attitudes. Jesus contrasts good deeds done for selfish reasons versus good deeds done for God. The difference between a hypocrite and a true disciple is made clear.