May 01, 2011
Passage: 2 Timothy 2:2
Duration: 30 mins 2 secs
A relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing in life and eternity. Therefore, introducing someone else to Jesus is the greatest gift that you can give. In this message, we look at the importance of reaching out to those around us with the love of God. Learn how to break out of your comfort zone into the excitement of fulfilling God's purpose of outreach.
Apr 24, 2011
Passage: Acts 2:22-24
Duration: 31 mins 32 secs
God's Word teaches that the power that raised Jesus from the dead on that first Easter is available to believers today. In this message, we learn practical ways to live with resurrection power in our lives. Let this Easter be a fresh start for you in following God's plan for your life.
Apr 17, 2011
Passage: Exodus 20:17
Duration: 32 mins 44 secs
Rather than coveting what we don't have, God wants to teach us to grow in contentment with the gifts that He has given us. Learn the implications of the tenth commandment in this practical message that can set you free from the stress of never being satisfied.
Apr 10, 2011
Passage: Exodus 20:16-2016:0
Duration: 33 mins 16 secs
The ninth commandment is a prohibition against lying in any form. God desires His children to speak the truth, as He does. In this message, we look at some of the ways we are tempted to lie, as well as how to speak the truth.
Apr 03, 2011
Passage: Exodus 20:15
Duration: 34 mins 57 secs
Integrity is the quality of knowing and keeping God's commandments. In this message, we learn how to increase in integrity regarding the 8th commandment warning against stealing. We look at numerous ways that people steal without even realizing what they're doing. God promises blessing for those who live lives of honesty.
Mar 27, 2011
Passage: Exodus 20:14 & Hebrews 13:4
Duration: 31 mins 3 secs
In this message, we examine the scope of the seventh commandment, which warns us against committing adultery. A number of ways to guard yourself and your family against sexual impurity are discussed, along with ways to strengthen your marriage and family.
Mar 20, 2011
Passage: Exodus 20:13 & Deuteronomy 11:18-19
Duration: 28 mins 22 secs
People are at the pinnacle of God's creation because they are created in God's image. In this message on the sixth commandment, we study how much God values human life. This understanding helps us make life's tough decisions concerning issues such as suicide, abortion, anger and euthanasia.
Mar 13, 2011
Passage: Exodus 20:12
Duration: 28 mins 49 secs
In this message on the 5th commandment, we look at God's promise to children who honor their father and mother. The manner in which parents are honored changes with age. Each parent must teach their children this important respect for authority.
Mar 06, 2011
Passage: Exodus 20:8-10
Duration: 31 mins 22 secs
One of God's gifts to man is the Sabbath rest. In this message, we look at the benefits of the 4th commandment for our lives and families. We also discover how learning to rest is an act of faith and trust in God's provision for us.
Feb 27, 2011
Passage: Exodus 20:7
Duration: 24 mins 15 secs
The importance of respecting God in the use of His name is addressed in the third commandment. Learn how to honor God in your speech and to train your children to do likewise.