Sep 24, 2017
Passage: Topical
Duration: 27 mins 35 secs
God desires for parents to leave a spiritual legacy for their children that will be passed down the generations until Jesus returns. Learn the four essential legacies that every believing parent should instill in their children.
Sep 17, 2017
Passage: Luke 15:11-24
Duration: 30 mins 15 secs
Seventy percent of youth from Christian homes wander from their faith and church involvement by the time they are in their twenties. Learn how to pray and act to bring the wanderers back to God.
Sep 10, 2017
Passage: Psalms 145:1-21
Duration: 27 mins 43 secs
The Bible and experience shows that a child's view of God is shaped by their parents, for better or for worse. In this message, we look at Psalm 145 to learn how to train up our children with a biblical view of God.
Sep 03, 2017
Passage: Hebrews 12:3-11
Duration: 28 mins 56 secs
Hebrews 12 describes how God the Father disciplines His children. From this passage, we learn the basic principles of disciplining our children to walk in God's ways.
Aug 27, 2017
Passage: Topical
Duration: 30 mins 42 secs
Biblical parenting adapts to the age seasons of a child's life. In this message, the biblical principles are discussed for the pre-school, pre-teen, teen and young adult seasons. Whatever ages your children are, this message will help you raise your children for God.
Aug 20, 2017
Passage: Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Duration: 34 mins 5 secs
God's Word instructs parents to teach their children about God through word and example. This message does an in-depth study of God's instructions along with practical examples. Learn how to teach your children at every stage of life.
Aug 13, 2017
Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:31-14:1
Duration: 29 mins 44 secs
A new look at biblical parenting with God's agape love based on 1 Corinthians 13. Parents need to both experience and show God's love in order to raise children who walk with God.
Aug 06, 2017
Passage: Matthew 19:4-6 & Ephesians 5:22-33
Duration: 30 mins 29 secs
In this message, we learn how a strong marriage is the foundation for parenting children by biblical principles. The 3 ingredients of a strong marriage are that the husband and wife are: believers, active together in a Bible-believing church and growing together in their faith. Ephesians 5 gives further instruction on the relationship of the wife and husband so that the marriage can continue to grow.
Jul 30, 2017
Passage: Psalms 127:3-5 & Mark 10:13-16
Duration: 29 mins 45 secs
Children are a blessing, not a burden or a nuisance. God's Word teaches that God wants to use believers to birth many physical and spiritual children to advance His Kingdom. Learn how to raise children who will fulfill God's purpose for their lives.