Apr 17, 2022
Passage: Luke 23:50-24:12
Duration: 33 mins 34 secs
The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in the history of the universe. The resurrection completed the mission of Jesus to bring salvation to all those who put their faith in Him. The resurrection proves that Jesus is who He said He was, the Son of God, who lives forever more. Learn how the resurrection impacts your life in this special Easter 2022 service.
Apr 10, 2022
Passage: Luke 6:1-16
Duration: 36 mins 13 secs
What does it mean that Jesus is Lord of all? God's Word teaches that a person must confess that Jesus is Lord in order to be saved. But it's not enough to just say that Jesus is Lord. Jesus taught that a person must who acknowledges Jesus as Lord must also obey Him in everything. This message will help you better understand how to follow Jesus as Lord.
Apr 03, 2022
Passage: Luke 5:27-39
Duration: 32 mins 38 secs
In the past 100 years, the new move of the Spirit has exploded around the world with an estimated 645 million Spirit-baptized followers of Jesus. Yet, there are still billions of people entrapped in rule-based religions, thinking that being a good person is the key to heaven. In this message we learn from Jesus about the difference between rule-based lives and lives that embrace the Spirit's new move.
Mar 27, 2022
Passage: Luke 5:12-26
Duration: 38 mins 49 secs
In this message, we address the question, Does God Heal Today? As we study the healing ministry of Jesus, we see that He healed physical diseases and set people free from demons. The stories of Jesus healing people are not just records of past events. They are examples that Jesus taught His disciples to follow as well. We as current day disciples of Jesus are to earnestly desire spiritual gifts, including gifts of healing. As we seek to be used by God in healing, He will answer our prayers and glorify His name.
Mar 20, 2022
Passage: Luke 5:1-11
Duration: 37 mins 27 secs
What does it mean to be a Christian? A Christian is a follower or disciple of Jesus Christ. In this message, we learn how Jesus called His first disciples and how He calls us today. A disciple of Jesus listens to Jesus' voice and obeys it. A disciple of Jesus leaves everything to follow Jesus and make more disciples. A disciple of Jesus fulfills the eternal purpose that God created him for and is blessed.
Mar 13, 2022
Passage: Luke 4:33-44
Duration: 40 mins 45 secs
To follow Jesus is to think, speak and act as He did. In this message we look at the three main activities of Jesus' ministry. Jesus trained His disciples to do the same three things. As followers of Jesus, we are to do the same today. The three activities of Jesus were all empowered by the Holy Spirit. Through the same power of the Spirit, we can carry on Jesus' ministry today. Watch this message to discover what three things we must carry out to follow Jesus.
Mar 06, 2022
Passage: Luke 4:16-30
Duration: 38 mins 14 secs
Why were you created? What is your purpose in life? In this message, we study what Jesus' mission in life was. Then we will discover that Jesus delegated His mission to His followers. You can find fulfillment in life and impact eternity by learning to carry out your part of Jesus' mission. That's what you were created to do and how you will live in God's blessing.
Feb 27, 2022
Passage: Luke 4:1-13
Duration: 37 mins 51 secs
Temptations are desires or thoughts injected into our minds that are contrary to God's will. They originate with the devil and when given in to have many negative consequences. How can you overcome persistent temptations of all kinds?
In this message, we look at how Jesus overcame temptations in His battle with Satan. You will discover how to use the truth of God's Word to overcome your besetting temptations. You will grow stronger in you relationship with God and be able to help others overcome temptations.
Feb 20, 2022
Passage: Luke 3:1-22
Duration: 41 mins 28 secs
From the life of John the Baptist, we will learn what biblical repentance is all about. Repentance is the first key to begin a relationship with Jesus and to grow closer to God throughout life. Be prepared to be challenged in you thinking from the Gospel of Luke.