Prayer That God Answers

Prayer That God Answers

Jan 2022 - Feb 2022

Our New Year's message series is Prayer That God Answers. What kind of prayers does God answer? God answers prayers that are prayed according to His will. He doesn't answer prayers that are not according to His will. In this series, you will discover how to pray prayers in Jesus' name that are in God's will. As you pray those prayers in faith, God will move and bring the answer in His time. Jesus said that as God answers your prayers, it will fill your life with joy. Start the New Year off right with this important prayer message series.

In conjunction with this message series, we are launching 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting. Signup to receive our 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Guide delivered daily via email for 21 days.

Sermons in this series
Feb 13, 2022
Passage: Psalms 74:1-23
Duration: 31 mins 42 secs
God intends prayer to be a conversation between friends. In this message, learn the importance of being honest with God when talking to Him. We learn principles of being honest in a difficult situation from the psalmist prayer in Psalm 74. God has the answers for your situation, no matter how difficult it may seem.
Feb 06, 2022
Passage: Genesis 15:1-18
Duration: 45 mins 38 secs
God intends prayer to be a conversation between friends. In this message, we look at a conversation that Abram had with God to learn how we can talk with God. When you build a relationship with God through prayer conversation, you learn His will. When you know God's will, you can pray for that will and so see your prayers answered over and over again.
Jan 30, 2022
Passage: 2 Samuel 11:1-12:23
Duration: 29 mins 22 secs
Have you ever wondered why more of your prayers aren't answered? In our series Prayer That God Answers, you'll learn from God's Word how to Overcome Prayer Barriers. Sin in your life can short-circuit your prayers so that God doesn't listen to or answer them. Discover how to restore your relationship with God so that you can once again enjoy prayer answers.
Jan 23, 2022
Passage: Topical
Duration: 25 mins 15 secs
Have you ever wondered why more of your prayers aren't answered? In our series Prayer That God Answers, you'll learn from God's Word How to Get More of Your Prayers Answered. God is not up in heaven folding His arms and refusing to answer the prayers of His children. No, He is a loving Father who wants to bless you by answering your prayers. Jesus taught the principles of how to pray so that more of your prayers will be answered. Join us this Sunday to learn how to transform your prayer life to see more prayers answered.
Jan 16, 2022
Passage: Topical
Duration: 38 mins 49 secs
Discover how to pray for others to be saved. Learn how to build your faith to believe God to save your loved ones. Pray for God to reveal Himself and His truth to them. Pray against the spiritual strongholds keeping people in bondage.
Jan 09, 2022
Passage: 2 Chronicles 14:9-17 & 2 Samuel 15:2-19
Duration: 36 mins 28 secs
Join us for our message series Prayer That God Answers with the message Hear God Speak. Learn how to hear God speak to you, as you communicate with Him in prayer. Prayer is meant to be two-way communication, not just presenting God with a wish list. God desires to show you His plan for your life, so that you can follow it and be blessed.
Jan 02, 2022
Passage: Matthew 6:9-18
Duration: 40 mins 28 secs
Join us for our New Year's message series Prayer That God Answers with the message How to Pray. Learn how to pray prayers that God answers and brings joy into your life. Many people simply pray for things that they want. God only answers prayers that are for the things He desires. That's what it means to pray in Jesus' name. Discover how to pray powerful and effective prayers in this series.