Sep 25, 2011
Passage: Luke 15:11-24
Duration: 33 mins 15 secs
Jesus came to this earth to show us what God is like. In this message, we look at the story of the prodigal son to better understand our heavenly Father. Jesus shows us that God's arms are open to all those who have wandered away from God and His family. This message will encourage those who are far from God to return to Him.
Sep 18, 2011
Passage: Luke 15:4-10
Duration: 31 mins 15 secs
One of the most important purposes of a church is to reach beyond it's own community to bring people to Jesus. Jesus came to this earth to seek and save the lost and we must follow His example and do the same. In this message, we look at two parables of Jesus which demonstrate the atttitudes and thoughts we must have to become a reaching church.
Sep 11, 2011
Passage: Mark 11:12-25
Duration: 38 mins 23 secs
On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, we look at the message God was sending through that tragedy that we must still hear today. The message is a call to repentance and prayer. Learn more about the meaning of 9/11 and how you should respond to it on this tenth anniversary.