Jul 29, 2012
Passage: Deuteronomy 5:32-6:7
Duration: 32 mins 4 secs
We don't hear much about the fear of the Lord these days. However, the Bible has a lot to say about the blessing that God has for those who fear Him. In this message, we unpack what fearing God is all about and how you and your family can grow in it
Jul 22, 2012
Passage: Hebrews 12:1-3
Duration: 44 mins 51 secs
Jul 08, 2012
Passage: Luke 4:1-14
Duration: 38 mins 15 secs
In this message, we learn how Jesus resisted temptation by the devil, in order to learn how we can resist temptation. Resisting temptation is a key to living in the blessing that God has designed for your life and ministry.
Jul 01, 2012
Passage: 2 Kings 23:1-25
Duration: 34 mins 50 secs
This July 4, what America needs is to return to the truth and power of God's Word. In this message, we see how one man named Josiah, with God's help, turned a nation around through God's Word. Learn how to make a difference in your world.
Jun 24, 2012
Passage: 2 Kings 22:1-20
Duration: 28 mins 15 secs
The Bible has become a lost book in America today. In this story from the Old Testament we learn how the rediscovery of God's Word changed a king's heart and ultimately a nation.