Pastor Dan Walker

Pastor Dan Walker

Role: Lead Pastor
Latest sermons by
Jun 18, 2017
Passage: Topical
Duration: 27 mins 32 secs
God has created fathers to follow His example as our heavenly Father. Fathers have the privilege and responsibility to lead their families in the ways of the Lord. Fathers are called to be warriors for God, rescuing those in the kingdom of darkness and bringing them into the kingdom of God.
Jun 11, 2017
Passage: Topical
Duration: 31 mins 10 secs
Self- control is one of the fruit of the Spirit. Self-control is the ability to control your thoughts, actions and feelings through the Spirit's power. Learn how to practice self-control by winning the battle in your mind. Discover the keys to self-control found in the Word of God.
Jun 04, 2017
Passage: Topical
Duration: 27 mins 21 secs
God gave us emotions and feelings. Yet, to live life according to your feelings will lead you far from God. In this message, we learn how to grow in the knowledge of God. As our thoughts become increasingly godly, our actions and feelings will follow.
May 28, 2017
Passage: Topical
Duration: 30 mins 9 secs
Satan sets traps for every person to keep them in bondage. When you become a believer, Jesus sets you free. Yet, we often remained entrapped by various types of sinful behavior patterns. In this message, you will learn how to recognize and escape these traps.
May 21, 2017
Passage: Topical
Duration: 34 mins 39 secs
The foundation of the Christian life is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This trust in Jesus is not a one-time event, but a life-long faith that must be built upon. Trust in God is the key that unlocks the chains that keep you from fulfilling God's purpose for your life.
May 14, 2017
Passage: 1 Samuel 1:1-2:21
Duration: 29 mins 23 secs
From the life of Hannah, we learn how God answers the prayers of a praying mother for her children. Learn five traits of a praying mother that will help you pray powerful prayers for your children. These lessons will help everyone pray more effective prayers.
May 07, 2017
Passage: 2 Samuel 11:1-12:18
Duration: 26 mins 41 secs
In this message, we tackle the fourth major impediment to answered prayer, sin. We follow the progression of sin in David's life, which led from laziness, to lust, to adultery and finally murder. That sin short-circuited David's relationship with God through prayer. Repentance brings forgiveness and a restoration of relationship, but sin's consequences remain.
Apr 30, 2017
Passage: Topical
Duration: 32 mins 39 secs
Jesus taught that we ought to always pray and not give up. In this message, we look to God's Word for encouragement in praying for lost loved ones. As it is God's will for everyone to be saved, persistent prayer in faith will see the lost come to salvation as children of God.
Apr 23, 2017
Passage: Topical
Duration: 36 mins 26 secs
The most important thing that you can pray for someone else is that they be saved. It is God's will that all should come to repentance, so we can pray for the lost, knowing that God will move to answer our prayers. This message will encourage and motivate you to pray for those you know who are not yet believers in Jesus Christ.
Apr 16, 2017
Passage: Luke 24:1-49
Duration: 26 mins 41 secs
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central theme of the Gospel. If the resurrection is not true, then Jesus is still dead, there is no forgiveness of sins and no hope of eternal life. A person must believe in the resurrection in order to be saved (Romans 10:9). Explore the undeniable evidence for the resurrection in this eye-opening Easter message.
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