Learning the truth of God's Word is valuable in two ways. First of all, when you learn God's answers to difficult questions, your faith will grow stronger. Secondly, once you learn to defend your faith, you will be in a position to answer the questions of other seekers or those whose faith is wavering. In this message, we look at Jesus' teaching on the four possible responses to sowing the truth of God's Word into people's lives. The principles in this message will help you be more effective in changing your world for God.
A common question today is whether there are many paths to God. Surely, people reason, there must be a way for those who have not been taught about Jesus, to have a relationship with God.
In this message, we look at what Jesus and the Bible have to say regarding this important question. What did Jesus claim about Himself as the way to God? What does the Bible have to say about the eternal destiny of those who have never heard of Jesus? Discover the answers you need for your own faith and to lead others closer to God in this important message.
One of the most important questions that you can ask is "Who Is Jesus?" Jesus is the most influential person who has ever lived on this planet and the most controversial. Was he merely a good teacher or was Jesus the Son of God? In this message, we explore the historical evidence to determine the only logical answer to the question of who Jesus was.
If God is good and all-powerful, why is there suffering in the world? In this message, we look at a question that has kept many people from God and has caused others to fall away from God. We explore what the Bible has to say about the cause and purpose of suffering. If you've got your own questions about suffering or are having trouble answering other's questions, invest some time in listening to this message.
Today, many people have doubts about the origin, truthfulness and accuracy of the Bible. News headlines call into question the intelligence of anyone who believes the Bible. reporters routinely display their ignorance of what the Bible actually says and Bible knowledge is at an all-time low.
In this message, we look at internal and external evidence for the truthfulness and accuracy of the Bible. Discover answers to your questions about the Bible, God's Word, in this informative message.