Pastor Dan Walker

Pastor Dan Walker

Role: Lead Pastor
Latest sermons by
Nov 23, 2014
Passage: Joel 2:12-32
Duration: 30 mins 33 secs
In the Bible, the judgments of God on nations are called days of the Lord. In this message, we look at God's judgments, past, present and future. Are you ready for the climactic day of the Lord at the return of Jesus?
Nov 16, 2014
Passage: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17
Duration: 36 mins 8 secs
In the last days, God's Word tells us that we will face increasing radical evil. However, at the same time, God's kingdom will also be increasing in power. Be encouraged as this message builds your faith for the future.
Nov 09, 2014
Passage: Mark 13:1-37
Duration: 29 mins 11 secs
Jesus' prophetic teaching on the events leading up to the destruction of the temple is linked to the events of the last days. Learn how this teaching relates to your life here and now. Learn what to be on your guard about in this intriguing message.
Nov 02, 2014
Passage: John 14:1-14
Duration: 29 mins 10 secs
Learn from Jesus' own teaching what Jesus is doing in heaven now and why He will come back. Understanding the culmination of history is essential to living for Jesus in the present last days.
Oct 26, 2014
Passage: Acts 2:2-47:0
Duration: 36 mins 9 secs
The Bible speaks extensively about the last days. In this message, we discover when the last days are and what are their characteristics. Learn how to be prepared in this practical message.
Oct 19, 2014
Passage: Luke 12:16-34
Duration: 32 mins 52 secs
Jesus gave us the principles to defeat worry in our lives. Discover the hidden links between the parable of the rich fool and Jesus' teaching on worry in this insightful message.
Oct 12, 2014
Passage: Genesis 15-17
Duration: 32 mins 35 secs
In this message, we do a case study on a wrong decision from the life of Abram. This wrong decision had long-term consequences that have lasted to our day. Learn how to identify and recover from wrong decisions with God's help.
Oct 05, 2014
Passage: John 14:15-27
Duration: 32 mins 20 secs
Discover how to hear the Holy Spirit's whisper and receive God's guidance. In Jesus' teaching in John 14, He instructs believers on how to receive guidance from the Spirit as their Counselor.
Sep 28, 2014
Passage: Luke 11:1-13
Duration: 39 mins 2 secs
To receive God's guidance, we must learn to patiently pray until we receive God's wisdom. In this message, we take an in-depth look at Jesus' teaching on prayer in Luke 11.
Sep 21, 2014
Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10-17
Duration: 37 mins 4 secs
In order to make wise decisions, you need to get good counsel. In this message, we learn how to discern good counsel from bad counsel. The end result is that we can grow in making God-pleasing decisions in our lives.
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