Pastor Dan Walker

Pastor Dan Walker

Role: Lead Pastor
Latest sermons by
Sep 14, 2014
Passage: Proverbs 3:1-12
Duration: 33 mins 41 secs
How can you make wise decisions and avoid foolish decisions? In this message, we look at the ancient wisdom of Proverbs to discover God's keys to wisdom.
Sep 07, 2014
Passage: Romans 12:1-12
Duration: 42 mins 56 secs
God created both you and a unique plan for your life. In this message, we unpack how to discern God's will for your life. In addition, God has gifted you with everything you need to carry out your unique plan. Leave behind boring and live the adventure you were created for.
Aug 31, 2014
Passage: Acts 20:22-24 & Acts 21:4-14
Duration: 32 mins 8 secs
Knowing and following God's will is not always easy. In this message, we learn some of the biblical principles to follow when making difficult decisions. What do you do when godly counsel and the guidance of the Holy Spirit conflict? Don't miss this helpful message.
Aug 24, 2014
Passage: Isaiah 58:1-9
Duration: 32 mins 49 secs
Ever wonder why God seems silent or doesn't seem to answer your prayers? In this message, The Silence of God, we look at a situation where God did not answer the prayers of His people. Discover what the problem was and God's solution.
Aug 17, 2014
Passage: Ephesians 1:3-14
Duration: 35 mins 52 secs
In this message, we look at God's great purposes for which He chose and predestined believers in Christ. People become included in Christ's purposes by hearing and believing the Gospel. Our lives are to be lived with the purpose of glorifying God and participating in bringing everything into submission to the Lordship of Christ. Expand your thinking and perspective as we study this incredible passage.
Aug 10, 2014
Passage: Jeremiah 29:1-14
Duration: 37 mins 52 secs
No matter what you're going through or have gone through in the past, God has purposes for your life. In this message, we look at the purposes that God had for the lives of the Babylonian exiles. These people were undergoing God's judgment, yet they were the recipients of one of the most encouraging promises in the Bible, Jeremiah 29:11. Learn to love the purposes that God has for your life through the principles in this message.
Aug 03, 2014
Passage: 1 John 4:7-21
Duration: 34 mins 20 secs
Many people today think that they can find God outside of His church. In this study, we learn that a mark of a true believer is love for fellow believers in the context of a church family. The love of a believer for other believers is an expression of God's love.
Jul 30, 2014
Passage: Numbers 12:1-15
Duration: 34 mins 47 secs
All the people in the world came from one couple, Adam and Eve. The various people groups or races did not evolve separately. As all people are created in God's image, God desires for unity in His church with no discrimination by race, color or age. In this lesson, we learn of God's judgment on prejudice based on nationality and skin color. Although churches are the most segregated institutions in America, Life Church is a church for all nationalities, races and ages.
Jul 13, 2014
Passage: 2 Timothy 3:1-17
Duration: 37 mins 49 secs
God's Word contains the truth that our creator has revealed to us. Although some ignore God's Word and others misuse it through false teaching, God has given us instruction to learn from His Word. In this message, you will learn to identify false teaching that is so prevalent in our society and grow through God's Word.
Jul 06, 2014
Passage: Psalms 119:113-120
Duration: 36 mins 30 secs
Do you love God's Word? Those who truly love God will love God's Word and make it a priority in their lives. God's Word is the revelation of the creator of the universe to His creatures of how to relate to their creator and live the life they were created to live. Learn how to be in awe of the Word of God through the principles in this message.
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