Pastor Dan Walker

Pastor Dan Walker

Role: Lead Pastor
Latest sermons by
Apr 13, 2014
Passage: Luke 10:25-37
Duration: 32 mins 35 secs
Learn how to communicate God's truth creatively from following Jesus' example. Discover how Jesus used questions to engage an expert and turn his world upside down. In this message, you will learn that the lesson of the parable of the Good Samaritan is not what you think it is.
Apr 06, 2014
Passage: Acts 10:1-48
Duration: 34 mins 37 secs
Learn how to share the Good News with people very different than yourself. God prepares both the seeker and His witness so that the Good News can be communicated effectively through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Mar 30, 2014
Passage: John 4:4-42
Duration: 36 mins 45 secs
In this message, we look at an incredible story of how Jesus got a very unlikely person interested in spiritual truth. Learn from Jesus, the world changer, how you can change your world by engaging people in conversation about biblical truth.
Mar 23, 2014
Passage: Colossians 3:5-4:6
Duration: 35 mins 24 secs
A believer's life should be so different from the lives of unbelievers that they should stand out like a star in a black night. In this message, we look at behaviors that God commands us to cultivate and behaviors God commands us to rid ourselves of. As we grow more and more like Jesus, our influence with outsiders will increase. When we pray, God will give open doors to share God's truth.
Mar 16, 2014
Passage: Luke 15:11-24
Duration: 34 mins 15 secs
Jesus told the parable of the prodigal son to illustrate the attitude that believers should have toward the lost. In this message, we look at the examples that Jesus gave us as motivations to reach out to the lost with the love of Christ. Learn the importance and excitement about making a difference for eternity with your life.
Mar 09, 2014
Passage: Luke 11:1-1:13
Duration: 33 mins 41 secs
In His teaching on prayer in Luke 11, Jesus shows us what passionate prayer is all about. Learn about levels of prayer intensity and how not to miss out on the blessings that God has for you. In this conclusion to our series, Praying with Jesus, we learn to take our prayer life to a new level of power and effectiveness.
Feb 23, 2014
Passage: Revelation 4:1-11
Duration: 36 mins 6 secs
Effective prayers are prayers that are prayed for God's glory with a goal of seeing God's will done on earth as it is in heaven. In this message, we look into the worship going on in heaven, to learn better how to pray and worship here on earth.
Feb 16, 2014
Passage: John 17:6-19
Duration: 35 mins 20 secs
Jesus taught us to pray for protection from temptation and evil. In this message, we look more closely at how we should pray and live to take advantage of God's protection. Learn how to live in safety as you follow God's plan for your life.
Feb 09, 2014
Passage: Matthew 18:21-35
Duration: 30 mins 54 secs
In the Lord's prayer, Jesus instructs us to ask for forgiveness, as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. Jesus further clarifies His teaching on forgiveness in the parable of the unmerciful servant. In this message, we look at this rarely preached on topic of the connection between God's forgiveness of our sins and our forgiving others. Learn how to break free from unforgiveness and experience God's forgiveness in your own life.
Feb 02, 2014
Passage: Luke 12:22-34
Duration: 39 mins 5 secs
In this message, we look at the phrase in the Lord's Prayer "Give us today our daily bread." We discover that prayer is the antidote for worry. Jesus teaches us that worry is not something that should trouble believers. In fact, to worry is to sin by not trusting God to meet your needs. Learn how to be set free from worry and anxiety with this powerful message.
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