Sep 04, 2011
Passage: Psalms
Duration: 34 mins 34 secs
There are times when all of us feel that God is distant and we don't feel like worship. As we explore the Psalms in this message, we see that David often felt the same way. In this message, we learn how to move from a place of distance to a renewed sense of the presence of God in worship.
Aug 28, 2011
Passage: Topical
Duration: 34 mins 5 secs
In this message, we look at Jesus' teaching on the importance of worshipping in spirit and in truth. Worship is not about watching and listening to professional musicians, it is about loving God with everything we have.
Aug 07, 2011
Passage: Topical
Duration: 37 mins 6 secs
At it's heart, worship and following Jesus is all about surrendering our lives to God. In this message, we look at some of the barriers that hold people back from surrender. Then we explore the incredible benefits of surrendering 100% of your life to Jesus.
Jul 31, 2011
Passage: Genesis 6:1-8:22
Duration: 38 mins 24 secs
True worship is all about learning to please God, rather than please ourselves. In this message, we look at the story of Noah, who learned to please God in a world that was full of evil. We learn from Noah's example, how God wants us to live and be blessed in our world today.
Jul 10, 2011
Passage: Topical
Duration: 31 mins 33 secs
In this first message is our series Living a Life of Worship we address the question of what worship is all about. Then we investigate the benefits of worshipping your Creator in spirit and truth.
Jul 03, 2011
Passage: Luke 5:1-11
Duration: 27 mins 20 secs
As we look at Jesus' miracle of an incredible catch of fish, we see God work supernatural change into Peter's life. Learn from this example, how God can bring His change into your life. Don't stay stuck in a rut, learn to cooperate with God in becoming everything He created you to be.
Jun 26, 2011
Passage: Luke 8:22-25
Duration: 39 mins 1 sec
In this message, we learn from Jesus' miracle of calming the storm, how God can bring His peace into the life storms of our lives.
Jun 12, 2011
Passage: Luke 18:35-42 & James 5:14-15
Duration: 29 mins 58 secs
The ministry of Jesus and the early church was characterized by supernatural healing. In this message, we look at Jesus' miracle of healing a blind man to learn the principles of experiencing healing in our lives through the power of prayer.
Jun 05, 2011
Passage: Luke 9:10-17
Duration: 30 mins 16 secs
God has committed Himself to providing for the needs of every believer. In this message, you will learn from Jesus' example how to receive God's supernatural provision for your life as your faith grows.
May 08, 2011
Passage: 1 Samuel 1:1-2:26
Duration: 31 mins 31 secs
In this message, we look at the example of a godly mother named Hannah, whose prayers powerfully impacted her son, Samuel. Learn how to change your family and history through powerful prayers.