Pastor Dan Walker

Pastor Dan Walker

Role: Lead Pastor
Latest sermons by
May 22, 2016
Passage: Topical
Duration: 32 mins 40 secs
In this message, you will learn the basics of sharing God's overall plan for people's lives as well as the details of His plan of salvation. Be prepared to be a witness for Jesus every day. Learn to live the exciting life that God created you to live. ‪#‎lifechurchstlouis‬
May 15, 2016
Passage: Topical
Duration: 41 mins 53 secs
In this message, we look in detail at the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This gift of the Father provides the believer with the power to carry out their mission in life. It is one of the three essentials for an effective spiritual life: repentance and faith in Jesus, water baptism and Spirit baptism. Learn how to receive the baptism in the Spirit in this important message.
May 08, 2016
Passage: Topical
Duration: 29 mins 11 secs
An encouraging message for mothers on the role of the Spirit in their lives. Learn how to keep in step with the Spirit and to grow in the fruit of the Spirit. God wants to equip you to walk with His Spirit each and every day.
May 01, 2016
Passage: Topical
Duration: 25 mins 37 secs
This message looks at the past, present and future aspects of celebrating the ordinance of communion. Learn about the special presence of the Holy Spirit to bring wholeness and healing, as you remember Jesus and examine your life in His light.
Apr 24, 2016
Passage: Topical
Duration: 34 mins 12 secs
In this message, we look at the fourth petition of the Lord's Prayer, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." God's Word teaches us how to resist temptation and to resist the devil. Learn the secrets of gaining the victory over your enemy and living in God's protection and blessing.
Apr 17, 2016
Passage: Topical
Duration: 28 mins 47 secs
In this message, we learn that Jesus taught that forgiving others is required for God to forgive us. Learn how to forgive those who have hurt you deeply and be released from the bondage of unforgiveness.
Apr 10, 2016
Passage: Topical
Duration: 31 mins 5 secs
In our third message on the Lord's Prayer in the series Prayer Living, we look at the request "Give us today our daily bread." Your heavenly Father wants to meet your needs, as you make His Kingdom your priority in life. In this message, we learn how putting God first in your finances brings God's blessing into your life.
Apr 03, 2016
Passage: Topical
Duration: 26 mins 51 secs
In this message, Pastor Dan discusses the second petition in the Lord's Prayer "your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." We learn that God's kingdom is present where His will is being done. In other words, God's kingdom advances with obedience.
Mar 27, 2016
Passage: Revelation 1:5-18
Duration: 28 mins 16 secs
In this Easter message, Pastor Dan establishes the historicity of the resurrection. Then he moves on to study the apostle John's description of Jesus Christ, The Living One. Learn how Jesus, The Living One, can impact your life today.
Mar 20, 2016
Passage: Topical
Duration: 31 mins 35 secs
For many people, their view of their heavenly father is tainted by their experience with their natural father. In this message, we learn to see our heavenly father as He truly is. Furthermore, we learn to pray that His name would be honored as holy, both in our lives and the lives of those around us. As we do, we are able to receive all the good gifts our heavenly Father has for us to fulfill His purpose in our lives.
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